ArtPad SF

I’ll start this off by being completely honest…. There are two things I know about art 1) what I like and 2) what I don’t like, if you throw in the things that completely confuse me then that makes 3, and maybe that’s all you need. I have found myself at many an art show just staring at a piece wondering if my fellow lurkers of art are having some profound proliferation from the piece or are we all like what the........

That’s what brought me to ArtPad, a curiosity to see what was going on in the current world of art and to see if I could get some informal insight. My curiosity manifested itself into an interrogation of sorts to the gallerists and artists that I came across. I will report that they were more than happy to explain and answer my, what must have been kindergarten level art questions. I was blown away by what can be accomplished with such simple materials. Most times I really wanted to know how these artists didn’t just simply go mad with some of these tedious processes, or perhaps maybe they had!

Moving on, the venue couldn’t have been better. The entire Phoenix Hotel, one of my fave spots in SF, was turned over to the event and every room was curated by a gallery. The San Francisco weather gods must also appreciate art as they provided us with non-jacket wearing temps. Although there was plenty of art to look at I couldn’t stop scouting the crowd for shoes, bags, or just plain good looks to photograph. I also ran into a few familiar faces which made the evening extra extra.

P.S. Shouts to Maria Jenson the Director of ArtPad and Chip Conley founder of Joie de Vivre hotels for creating and executing a great event.

Chip Conley & Andrew Benson

Jessica fly in fur
Couldn't help myself
Creative & Talented crew Rye Purvis, Yarrow Slaps
Him shooting her shooting me double fisting

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